New Study To Identify Alignments Between US And EU Open Science Strategies

Submitted by admin on Thu, 05/28/2020 - 16:39
European Science Cloud

The creation of an open science community for Europe has many different facets. This task is led by the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) secretariat and is directly supported by its governance structures and working groups (WG).

The co-creation fund is to be used in the pursuit of a viable EOSC and in the case of the Landscape WG, a study has been funded on the “Alignment of EOSC Strategic Implementation Plan with US NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science” carried out by independent expert Carlos Luis Parra-Calderón. The study will map the alignment of the European landscape with the US NIH landscape.

The NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science describes NIH’s Overarching Goals, Strategic Objectives, and Implementation Tactics for modernizing the NIH-funded biomedical data-resource ecosystem. Adherence to FAIR principles is a key element in this strategy as well as in the European Union's EOSC Strategy.

The study commenced on 01/04/2020 and due to be completed by 30/11/2020, will identify synergies between the EU and US strategies to open science and will be highly valuable to the work of the Landscape WG.

Further information can be found here: